FitBees Logo

digital fitness support

for those who need it most

We might already know that keeping physically active and socially connected is good for us. But it is not always easy to do, especially if we are unsure where to start or don’t feel encouraged to keep it up.

Today, over 40% of people aged 55 and over are inactive costing the NHS almost £100M annually. Inactivity is most acute across under-represented groups who are not engaging, physically or digitally, with a market that is focused on the already motivated.

We have created a new service to help people increase their level of physical and social activity. The service combines home sensors and wearable technologies with motivational encouragement and community connections to support physical activity among under-represented groups. 

Every £1 spent on community sport and physical activity generates nearly £4 for the UK economy and society. 

FitBees is here to make sure that investment on digital fitness support reaches those who need it most.

FitBees Community Housing Residents posing for picture

Would you like to be a FitBee?

You don’t have to be fit and active already. You might already do some physical activities, you might move around very little and would be interested in doing more, or you might really dislike the idea of exercising.

Whatever your starting point, join our Hive at FitBees !


Benefits of taking part

You will have help to be more active which can help you to become healthier. Our aim is for this to be fun and engaging so that you can get the most from the service.

The FitBees app is available for both Android and iOS devices. Contact us to download the app.


Join Our Steering Group

We are looking to speak to organisations who are willing to participate in our Steering group and are representing and/or supporting older people, people with disabilities and those from ethnic minority background. We want to hear from organisations willing to share feedback about the barriers to physical activity, try our technologies, test our ideas, and give us honest suggestions so we can learn what does and doesn’t work for under-represented groups.

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