The Future of Care

Care systems were not set-up to support growing numbers of people living longer with complex care needs. New digital infrastructure will unlock a person -centred approach that reduces waste and improves outcomes.

“Over the next five decades, the number of Europeans aged 80+ is set to rise from 4.9% in 2016 to 13% in 2070.” 

European Social Policy Network


Aligning real-time data with timely decisions is a powerful way to deliver person-centered care. 

With machine learning capabilities, predictive analytics can support revised care plans and improve administrative tasks. Pattern recognition to identify risks or deteriorations presents a key opportunity for AI to support circles of care in prevention.

“Falls are a common, but often overlooked, cause of injury. Around 1 in 3 adults over 65 and half of people over 80 will have at least one fall a year.” 



Connected technologies can encourage healthier behaviour and help with the management of a healthy lifestyle.

AI increases the ability for care professionals and family members to better understand daily routines and identify the changing needs of the people they care for. With that understanding they are able to provide better feedback, guidance and support for staying healthy, independent and safe.

We are collaborating with partners and research projects worldwide

SMart Inclusive Living Environments (SMILE) 

Supporting ageing in place for older people by combining an innovative smart living environment ecosystem model and a set of complementary eHealth solutions co-created with older people. 

Designed for Ageing

Delivering game-changing service-led digital fitness support innovations for those who need it most

Pioneering the use of dig

Demonstrating how collaboration and technology solutions can meet real-world challenges in delivering public sector services across Berkshire.

Creating An Ecosystem

Working with the most innovative organisations to provide end to end person-centered solutions.

Care sector challenges

What’s happening in the care sector – issues, opportunities & priorities.

A new future for care

The organisations that are advocating for change.

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