SMART Cymru supports Tendertec to create a real-time fall-detection system for senior citizens.
In the UK, 1 in 3 seniors aged 65+ live alone and three fall inside the home every minute. Falls are the most common cause of injury and hospital attendance among this age group. Even when primary injuries are averted, half of non-injured senior fallers are unable to get up again due to muscle deterioration. Prolonged floor lying can lead seniors to develop life-threatening injuries, lose their independence and results in pressure being placed on families, the NHS and Local Authorities. The development of intuitive, autonomous, trustworthy and economically sustainable systems for real-time fall detection is crucial to guarantee adequate medical response in the case of falls and to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
Tendertec Ltd is an early stage AI start-up formed in 2017 with a vision to set a new bar for healthcare and a mission to transform care technology to ensure vulnerable people have a sustained quality of life.
The project, led by Tendertec Ltd, will use new enabling technologies to create a real-time personalised telecare system for seniors to automatically alert care providers in an emergency without the need for user engagement. Unlike existing wearable fall alarms, which rely on users to wear, maintain or even trigger them, Tendertec’s system is fit and forget and detects falls with greater accuracy than existing products dominating the market.
This project will bring products new to the company yielding financial returns through product sales, ongoing subscription returns and opportunities for future RD&I collaborations with Welsh universities. Given the projections regarding the increasing senior population and the declining number of taxpayers in the UK, this project will help in the future proofing of the Welsh economy and society through the significant savings that can be achieved for the NHS, Local Authorities, the seniors themselves and their families.